This should make it easier for players to purchase more weapons without worrying too much about resources. The developers heard the complaints and have halved the price of the weapons in the Hellraid shop. Purchasing weapons can be quite difficult in Dying Light because of limited resources, especially in Hard Mode. Upon completion, head to the shop to purchase the Deathbringer Blueprint. Developer Techland has announced that the Hellraid DLC for their survival horror title Dying Light. To acquire this unique weapon, players must complete the Loaded for the Undead bounty available at Hellraid Rank 10.

This update introduces a new shotgun called the Deathbringer, which is part of the Hellraid DLC. Its repeatable content and also has a story mode (only a few missions and kind of light on story, but different and you can reset progress on it), bounties, and an XP-based rank progression system. Officially launching today, Techland has revealed its third content update for Dying Lights Hellraid DLC.
Players who own the base version of Dying Light get The Following expansion, Bozak Horde DLC mode, Cuisine and Cargo DLC content, Ultimate Survivor bundle that includes weapons and outfits, and Crash Test skin bundle. 2 2 comments Best Add a Comment Landriff 21 days ago I like it.

It also made some changes to the prices in Hellraid and gave the enhanced version of the game for free. Adams Get ready to face off against the hellish legions once again - the Dying Light 3: Hellraid Update 3 is here, adding a new Fire Wand, new challenges, and an Armory to show off all of your cool weapons. Dying Light 2 may have been delayed indefinitely, but theres a new piece of DLC for the first Dying Light for players to look. Interactive PS4 9. Dying Light just received the final Hellraid update that added the only weapon to be introduced in this DLC.